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    Name (required)

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    Year in School (required)

    Select position(s) you are applying for
    Executive SecretaryPeer MentorEvents Team LeaderIgnite Team MemberService Team Member

    Resume (required)

    Cover Letter (required)

    Hours per Week: ~8 hrs/week, 33 weeks

    Pay: $10.50/hr


    • Must host one Team Leader Meeting per week
    • Must attend one E-Board Meeting per week
    • Must attend one Staff Meeting per week
    • Must host BC Office Hours weekly (time variable)
    • Optional: Authorized Signer (Must complete GSSF training)

    Job Description:

    The Executive Secretary acts as the lead human resources person inside of the organization. They focus on keeping the organization running efficiently with no internal issues within the board, or the whole staff. This employee is also in charge of checking in with the board members to make sure that they are fulfilling their positions. Also, they act as the secondary budget facilitator to check over all work that is being done by that position. This includes, but is not limited to, approving logged hours for all employees and double checking budget spending. Additionally, the Executive Secretary is directly senior to the Events Team Leader and Marketing Team Leader, coordinating cooperation between those two and the other team leaders. 

    Hours per Week: ~8 hrs/week, 33 weeks

    Pay: $10.50/hr


    • Must host one Team Meeting per week
    • Must attend one Team Leader Meeting per week
    • Must attend one Staff Meeting per week

    Job Description:

    The Ignite Team Leader is in charge of coordinating and directing the members of the team in the execution of the Ignite programming. The leader must maintain clear and concise communication with both the team members and fellow BC staffers. Ignite is the core of BC programming, being our primary outreach on campus. Due to the importance of Ignite, the Team Leader will delegate weekly tasks to Ignite team members so as to give them more experience as well as allow for work to be distributed in the most effective and efficient manner possible. 


    Note: Ignite is a rather new line of programming for BC, and as a result, is in a constant state of review, edit, and improvement. Although this should not mean any substantial additional work (all programming should be looking to improve itself), this does have the potential to mean large scale upheaval or change.

    Hours per Week: ~ 5 hrs/week, 33 weeks

    Pay: $10.50/hr


    • Must attend one Team Meeting per week
    • Must attend one Staff Meeting per week

    Job Description:

    Ignite Team Members are the core staffers of Badger Catholic. Throughout the Ignite programming, team members will work in areas concerning community outreach, service, speakers, and formation. With these in mind, Ignite team members will have to work with both the Ignite Team Leader and other Team Leaders. Additionally, Ignite team members may take up the mantle of peer mentors, meaning they may be given the duties formerly performed by the now-disbanded peer mentors. This primarily includes taking on a peer mentee or two to engage in discussions of faith and what it means to be Catholic. Let it be known that no special skills or knowledge are required; peer mentorship is a two way street between the mentor and the mentee. 

    Hours per Week: ~ 5 hrs/week, 33 weeks

    Pay: $10.50/hr


    • Must attend one Team Meeting per week
    • Must attend one Staff Meeting per week

    Job Description:

    The Graphic Designer is the lead designer of Badger Catholic. He or she shall make all creative decisions regarding poster and advertisement design. Additionally, the Graphic Designer shall assist in any artistic duties requested by staffers, including but not limited to T-Shirt designs, social media posts, and large scale advertisements (such as bus ads). As a member of the Marketing team, the Graphic Designer can expect to be called on by the Marketing Team Leader for more general tasks, such as making posts on social media or hanging up posters. 

      Name (required)

      Gender (required)

      Email (required)

      Phone Number (required)

      Year (required)

      Reason for seeking a Peer Mentor
      I want to discuss a/some personal issue/issuesI want to learn more about living a life of faithI want to learn more about CatholicismI want a new friend

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