Badger Catholic inspires faith and discussion at UW-Madison through our multitude of programs and services. Our peer mentorship programs offers students a space to ask questions and explore their faith journeys in a one on one environment. For students looking to explore their faith in a large group setting, we offer encounter as well as our general speaker series.
Fides et Ratio (Latin for “Faith and Reason”) is a group dedicated to helping students participate in the Catholic intersection of faith and reason. Faith and reason are not mutually exclusive, but work together to guide us to truth. We discover this truth through friendly intellectual discussion on science, history, philosophy, theology, and anything in between. Fides meets Tuesday nights from 7-8 at Memorial Union.
The Encounter program invites you to an incredible community of faith-centered students. Encounter hosts fun community events on Friday nights throughout campus that follow Exalt, a holy hour with praise and worship music at St. Paul’s. Come for food, friends, and a good time!
General Speaker Series is our bi-semester event in which famous Catholic speakers from across the nation and world come to campus and offer an extended talk on a wide range of topics which pertain to Catholicism. These events are an excellent opportunity for students of any faithbackground or worldview to listen to fascinating and intellectual lectures about Catholicism.